Sunday, April 10, 2016

10 High School Tips

1. Avoid drama at all costs!- you will be a lot happier and less worried, do it!

2. Lay out your stuff the night before- lay out your outfit for the next day, pack your bag, and make your lunch the night before and your life in the morning will be much easier.

3. Make sure you start your homework before 7 or even 6- this doesn't mean you have to do it right when you get home but if you start it at least before dinner, you will be way less stressed and you will get more sleep.

4. Use your planner- write down all your homework while you are still in class so you don't forget about anything, again less stress for the next day.

5. Take every opportunity for extra credit- if your teacher gives you any opportunity, do it. You will be very thankful you did at the end at the grading period. It may even be the difference between a letter grade.

6. Study with friends- if you set a date to go study with friends, you will probably get more done than if you just stay at home and procrastinate.

7. Make sure you take time to do fun things with your friends or family- to relieve stress and take a break.

8. Don't conform to trends if you don't like them- you don't need to do things in high school or ever just to "be cool" because then you aren't being yourself.

9. Always ask for help if you need it- ask you teachers for help if you don't understand something, and if you don't like your teacher, ask another teacher in the same department and they will gladly help you.

10. Don't stress about tests- if you understand the material pretty well and you can keep your grade up before the test, then you will probably do fine on the test, and if you don't then your grade will have a cushion as long as you can keep it up with projects and little assignments.

Thanks for reading!
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